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We are legally brave

We value this, we encourage it, and we invest in it.

We are the only legal services organization in San Francisco that exclusively serves older adults and people with disabilities. This vulnerable population of San Franciscans deserves specialized services and fierce advocates who know how to navigate the legal system and protect their right to live with independence and dignity. Because we are experienced litigators, we are willing to push our cases to trial when needed and to develop innovative legal arguments that advance justice for our clients. Our committed staff provides the highest quality of legal services.

Our holistic approach to our mission is key to the effectiveness of our services. 
Because our attorneys work closely and collaboratively, they can tap into the expertise of our entire legal team to address multiple legal issues that our vulnerable clients face. We also connect clients with vital social services that ensure more sustainable outcomes.

Our lawyering approach is creative and resourceful.
Even when the challenges are great and the legal avenues uncertain, we won’t be discouraged. We are smart, we are outraged, we work hard, and we are determined to stand up for our clients’ rights. And we have the skills to do it.

Our Mission

Legal Assistance to the Elderly’s mission is to protect and advance the right of San Francisco’s seniors and adults with disabilities to be housed, healthy, financially stable, and safe.

San Francisco’s astronomical rise in evictions is hitting our city’s senior and disabled residents especially hard. LAE provides free full-scope representation to elderly and disabled residents, many on limited incomes, who urgently need our help.

LAE is often the last chance for our clients to save a home, stop financial or physical elder abuse, or retain vital benefits. More than ever, there is an increasing need for our services.

Our Team

Abel Mouton

Staff Attorney

Amanda Janks


Ana Denmark

Staff Attorney
Arianna Cook-Thajudeen

Arianna Cook-Thajudeen

Staff Attorney

Barbara Lam

Supervising Attorney

C. Sage Dames


Carol Bettencourt

Staff Attorney

Cathy Mosbrucker

Managing Attorney, Housing

Chelsea Blocklin

Staff Attorney
Headshot of smiling woman wearing red lipstick and a geometric, collard shirt

Colette Simanello

Executive Coordinator

Elinor Roberts

Staff Attorney

Fares Alharazy

Social Service Advocate (CARE Court)

Gene Garrote

Front Office Coordinator

Jason Law


Jessica Juarez

Eviction Defense Fellow

John Balza

Staff Attorney

Judy L. Hitchcock

Senior Staff Attorney

Kaitlyn Willison

Staff Attorney

Kelly Barnett

Staff Attorney

Kim Kruse, LCSW

Social Worker

Kitania Folk

Grants Manager

Laura Slade Chiera

Executive Director/Managing Attorney

Marwa Ibraheem

Development Director
smiling man with glasses in blue suit with glasses

Richard Hurlburt

Supervising Attorney

Mitzy Lopez

Social Service Advocate

Mujghan Ahmad

Staff Attorney

Robert Schoen

Staff Attorney

Samantha Chu


Sarah Abelow

Staff Attorney

Sydney Gartmond

Community Outreach Lead & Client Advocate

Thomas E. Drohan

Director of Litigation

Valeria Romo


Board of Directors


Jennifer Johnson

Board President


Donna Seid

Board Vice President
Retired Artist


Keith Rockmael

Board Treasurer
Resource Rock Real Estate


Matthew Brinegar

The Brinegar Law Firm


Isaac Safier



Nicole C. Kelly, Esq

The Kelly Law Firm


Roger B. Levin



Deena K. Zacharin

Stebner, Gertler, Guadagni & Kawamoto


Vanessa Peña-Hallinan



Hannah Kim


LAE is growing. Come join us!


Board roles

Please contact Laura Chiera.

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