Chelsea Blocklin

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Staff Attorney

Chelsea Blocklin

Chelsea Blocklin is a staff attorney on LAE’s Housing Team who works largely with LAE’s Excelsior Legal Collaborative. Chelsea graduated from UC Hastings Law School in May 2020. During law school, Chelsea interned with Legal Assistance to the Elderly, Public Advocates, and the East Bay Community Law Center.

Prior to law school, Chelsea was a tenant organizer at Southside United HDFC-Los Sures in Brooklyn, NY. She worked with long-term tenants to organize tenant associations and fight back against displacement and landlord harassment. She also was a labor organizer on the Fight for 15 Campaign in NYC, working with fast food workers to fight for a living wage. Prior to that, she interned at the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, where she helped with the coalition’s DACA pilot program and wage theft reform campaign.

Outside of work, Chelsea loves to surf and see live music!

Additional Languages: Spanish

Pronouns: she/her

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