Remembering Tom Tallman

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Remembering Tom Tallman

Last month the LAE office, friends and family celebrated the life of our long-time, stalwart LAE volunteer Tom Tallman, who passed away at the end of January. Tom was a five-days-a-week volunteer at LAE for nearly 30 years. His crusty command of the reception desk was absolute – he was the consummate doorkeeper, adroitly handling anxious clients and obnoxious opposing counsel. Shown here proudly wearing his SF Tenants Union t-shirt, Tom was totally committed to LAE’s mission, and passionate in his support of the staff. He loved discussing news, politics, and all things Chicago. Tom was the inaugural recipient of LAE’s James Cunningham award, which each year recognizes an outstanding LAE volunteer – in fact, he could have been awarded it in perpetuity. 

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